Monday, April 2, 2007

Good Old Pesach

Today is the first day of Passover, which means matzoh, macaroons, charoses, and lots more food. And history. Jewish history, to be exact. Not that I believe all the stories, but they're still good stories, whether they're true or not. And sometimes, it's nice to remember where you (supposedly) come from. Tradition, Tradition!
In honor of this most excellent Jewish holiday, I present The Two-Minute Haggadah (that's the prayer/story book we use on Passover, for all you goys out there). Sent to me by my awesome grandma, originally from Slate Magazine, this pretty much sums up our family Passover.

With no further ado, I present:

The Two-Minute Haggadah
A Passover service for the impatient.

Opening prayers:

Thanks, God, for creating wine. (Drink wine.)
Thanks for creating produce. (Eat parsley.)

Overview: Once we were slaves in Egypt. Now we're free. That's why we're doing this.

Four questions:
1. What's up with the matzoh?
2. What's the deal with horseradish?
3. What's with the dipping of the herbs?
4. What's this whole slouching at the table business?

1. When we left Egypt, we were in a hurry. There was no time for making decent bread.
2. Life was bitter, like horseradish.
3. It's called symbolism.
4. Free people get to slouch.

A funny story: Once, these five rabbis talked all night, then it was morning. (Heat soup now.)

The four kinds of children and how to deal with them:
Wise child-explain Passover.
Simple child-explain Passover slowly.
Silent child-explain Passover loudly.
Wicked child-browbeat in front of the relatives.

Speaking of children: We hid some matzoh. Whoever finds it gets five bucks.

The story of Passover: It's a long time ago. We're slaves in Egypt Pharaoh is a nightmare. We cry out for help. God brings plagues upon the Egyptians. We escape, bake some matzoh. God parts the Red Sea We make it through; the Egyptians aren't so lucky. We wander 40 years in the desert, eat manna, get the Torah, wind up in Israel , get a new temple, enjoy several years without being persecuted again. (Let brisket cool now.)

The 10 Plagues: Blood, Frogs, Lice-you name it.

The singing of "Dayenu":
If God had gotten us out of Egypt and not punished our enemies, it would've been enough. If he'd punished our enemies and not parted the Red Sea, it would've been enough.

If he'd parted the Red Sea-
(Remove gefilte fish from refrigerator now.)

Eat matzoh. Drink more wine. Slouch.

Thanks again, God, for everything.

Happy Passover!


  1. A friend at work, Ana, basically described all Jewish holidays thusly:

    "Things were bad, but now they're OK--let's eat!"

    I can get into that.

  2. Erin is absolutely correct.

    In my house, we like to say "once we were slaves, now we are free. let's eat."
