Sunday, April 20, 2014

Still Life With Tomatoes

First tomatoes of the 2014 season or last tomatoes (?) from the 2013 season?

Hint: we haven't done any gardening yet this year. It was a warm, dry winter. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

March #YoCP

The Year of the Clean Person marches on. Speaking of marching...March's tasks were to fix the broken lamp by my bedside, to hang the mirror on the wall, and to clean the top of my dresser (I already make my side of the bed every day, and March is #YoCP #LAMOB month). Well, technically, I wanted to clean the tops of both of our dressers, but c'est la vie. And mine was the worst, so it needed immediate attention, and what was top of mind when making the list.

Before: it was pretty awful.
Earrings strewn about, papers needing to be filed,  and
piles upon piles upon piles.

After: so much clean!
Neat and organized, earrings hung on their stand,
small piles that are organized.

I found old checkbooks, half-empty water bottles, pay stubs from last year, and earrings I hadn't seen in months. It's so clean now that I can even lay clothes out the night before (ha - right, like I remember to do that) if I want. 

Will's dresser is still kind of pile-y, but it's better. And honestly, it's his area to control. And I fixed the lamp (hot glue gun ftw) and hung the mirror. So I shall consider March to be completed. 

How was your March? Who's ready for April (aka bathroom and BBQ month)?