It feels like we've reached the halfway point in this whole omigod-the-last-week-before-we-move thing, and I have to keep reminding myself that it's only Tuesday. Ah yes, the days go by quickly, and time will fly away before we know it, but for now, it's only Tuesday, and I sat in the sunshine while I ate my lunch, and well, sometimes an hour of sunshine in the middle of your Tuesday is just nice.
Tomorrow evening, we get to visit our new apartment (hooray!). We're going to take the "before" pictures and get keys and ask all the questions we didn't ask before. We'll do the official walk-through with the landlords; even though it's not being professionally cleaned until Friday, they will be moved out and we can take stock of any repairs that need doing, or any scratches in the floor, or whatever else you notice in such events. The landlords are having the unit repainted and professionally cleaned - I know this is standard in many areas, but around these parts, it's definitely a rarity. It's such a radical change from our current place, where I had to make the landlord help me clean the previous tenant's crusty food off the ceiling in the kitchen before I moved in.
I made this floorplan with
based on rough sketches from our landlord
The landlords sent us a rough sketch of the floor plan, but I'll probably take some extra measurements too, just for peace of mind. You see, I can be a bit of a control freak at times. I have this fear that when the movers bring our furniture in, we won't know exactly where it goes and it'll all just end up in a big clump in the middle of the room. I want to minimize the shifting we have to do, and basically know where stuff is going to go before we get there. I worked it all out in my own fancy way (see picture), but the measurements we got aren't all correct, and the dining room and Will's desk area are not quite worked out yet in my head (or on paper). So there are just a few little things I want to know about, and then I'll feel ready.
I'm trying to relax, and for the most part, I'm doing quite well. I'm proud of the fact that I
chose cooking over packing last night, and that I am feeling remarkably calm (minus a little teeth-grinding) about the fact that we are moving in just over three days, and we are not done packing. There are things in life that we cannot change, and even when we can, it's sometimes best to relinquish the control and just let life happen. Know what I mean? Last night simply felt like it needed a home-cooked meal, so there! Tonight, tired as we might be, we'll pack a few more things (personally, I have a big pile of papers to file). And tomorrow, after we've (ok, I've) taken a million pictures of our new home-to-be, we'll celebrate with dinner and drinks at
Cafe Beire (this has now become our go-to place). Thursday evening, the packing will resume, and Friday I'll be
playing on the football field with a couple hundred ladies.
And Saturday? When the movers show up at 8:30am and we inevitably have to scramble for last-minute items? Well, it's not going to freak me out. We're only moving about 5 miles away, after all, and if anything gets left behind and we have to make a trip back with my car later in the day, we'll just do it. We don't have to be 100% out of the place until the end of the day on Sunday, which gives us a little more leeway and a little less stress. At least that's what I say now - we'll see how I feel when it actually happens!
Photos of our empty new apartment to come, but for now, enjoy this wonderfully bright and "quaint" (I hate that word; it always sounds sort of condescending to me) kitchen, courtesy of
TheKitchn (of course). Just looking at this picture is calming, isn't it?
Why yes, I could absolutely imagine myself here. Thank you for asking. |