yellow pyrex bowl with "butterfly" flower pattern: $10
two floral TV-trays: $2
Saltine tin: $2
There are a few other things I purchased as gifts, so unfortunately I can't share them on the blog, but this place was just full of brilliant things. Some old and gorgeous, some completely bizarre, some totally junky...all fun to look at! It took us about three hours to get through the whole thing - including a stop for some yummy food.

I fell in love with this handmade furniture from D and L Smith. It's actually pretty affordable, and it's just beautifully made. I mean, just look at! Really good quality, and come on - that little dresser was only $225. The cheapo one I bought at IKEA (and subsequently had to re-build and fix with wood screws myself) was $179. Check out their website - they have some really beautiful pieces.
If you're planning to go next month, here are some tips:
If you're planning to go next month, here are some tips:
- Bring cash - I had gotten this tip from Yelp, and it proved valuable. There was an ATM there, but the line was tremendously long!
- Wear sunscreen - I put it on my face, but missed a few spots. I also missed my neck and chest. Even though it was cold and foggy when we got there, the sun came out in the last hour, and I totally lobstered out.
- Haggle if you want to - I was a little hesitant, and I'm sure I could have haggled at some places where I just walked away instead, but I did get that little blue bowl for $5 (the guy was asking $8). So woo!
- Bring a cart - or at the very least, bring sturdy bags. I hadn't expected to buy much, and while I didn't spend a lot of money, I got a lot of small items that were difficult to carry individually (even in the plastic grocery bags some people offered). And while you're at it, bring some bubble wrap or paper - not all of the places selling breakables had paper/bubble wrap. I ended up getting some from another booth, but it would have been nice to be able to use my own.
Just went antiquing yesterday afternoon in some sleeping Illinois towns and totally saw those corn pans all over the place - I think $5 is a great price! PS I also have the exact same yellow Pyrex bowl. LOVE.