Friday, December 4, 2009

Cheer! Cheer! Holiday Cheer!

I am so full of Holiday Cheer I can't even tell you. It's infectious - my friend Emika came over last night...and while yesterday she was saying things like "I'm just not feeling like the holidays yet," this morning she was saying things like "Bring on the holidays!" Take that, Grinches of the world! Not that Emika was a grinch; she just wasn't feelin' it yet. As for me, as soon as we changed the calendar over to December, I was ready. I love this time of year, I really do. I took a bunch of pictures last night of our newly-decorated tree and the cold, misty air outside, and I'll post those later one I get them uploaded.

For now, if you are allowed to listen to music at your desk, in your cubicle, wherever you are, I highly recommend going to and clicking on the "Holiday Jazz." If this doesn't get you into the holiday spirit, I don't know what will.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are so excited! I hope next week is the most amazing week of all for you! :)
