I leave for Israel tomorrow morning (well, today really), and this last weekend at home has been quite fun. Saturday night, I sold merch at Sara's CD release show, which was just a great night. The environment at the Hotel Cafe was, as it always is, inviting, friendly and totally supportive. Sara basically got her start in professional performing there, so it has a very homey feeling, and the crowd just loves her--rightfully so; she put on a great show. The album is very good, and while there are a few things here and there that are unsatisfying (in my opinion), that's what happens when you're a new artist on a major label. They soften you up and use studio musicians and things feel a little, well, produced. It doesn't have the raw, honest musicianship that Sara and the boys have live, which just means their concerts will impress people who become fans of the album. Not a bad thing at all. Speaking of fans of the album, it is currently the #1 album on iTunes! Pretty damn cool if you ask me. It's only $6.99, which is an absolute steal. So go out and buy it. Do it. Now.
The other rockin' part of the weekend was seeing N*IGGER WETB*CK CH*NK at the Ivar. I've been telling the boys I'm going to go for a while, and I'm glad I got to make good on my promise. It's nice to see the show hasn't changed much (with the exception of a few additions to update the show to current events), and it's still as powerful and hilarious as it was back in 2003. And I chuckle to myself a bit when I think of the fact that I was their first production manager, a mere little baby freshman at UCLA. So cute. It was kind of funny, bringing my parents to see the show--they loved it, and got to meet the guys after, and Miles and Rafa were their usual silly selves, making fun of me and charming the folks. I guess I just like the affirmation that my friends are still my friends, even if I haven't seen them in person in years. Thank god for email and MySpace, I guess. Check out their website to find out where it's touring in a city near you!
Also exciting, I got to see the Raining Jane girls at Sara's show. They start touring again in September, so check out their website for dates and locations. It's been FAR too long since I've seen those girls play! Rumor has it they'll have a new album out in the somewhat near future...it's about damn time!
Anyway, I leave for Israel soon, and I have to wake up in 6 hours, so I'm going to bed. I haven't gotten this little sleep in a really long time, and I'm not looking forward to it. I did just see both Sterling and Chester on the Disney Channel (sleeping in my little sister's room), so staying up late wasn't a total loss, but all the same, I think it's time for some shut eye.
I'll post a long and exciting blog when I get back--enjoy a 2 week vacation from Kim's Kitchen Sink! :)
Have fun and be careful!! (Is that what everybody says when someone goes to Israel?)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear about the trip!