Friday, January 4, 2008

I Want A Pet: Pros and Cons

I have been thinking lately that I want a pet. Why? Probably because it's winter, which is basically cuddle-time, and also because my neighbors have a new puppy and I saw my friend's new puppy, and my old roommate's new kitty...and they're just so darn cute I want one of my own! However, I do not think I will be getting one soon.

  • cleaning a litter box/picking up poop
  • cost of pet food
  • cost and time commitment of going to the vet
  • a cat would probably get bored in my small apartment, and I wouldn't want it to go outside (too many busy streets)
  • a dog would have to be walked a few times a day, and also would get bored all day in my apt (I can't bring it to work every day)
  • finding pet-sitters
  • cat/dog hair all over everything

  • really cute and cuddly

So...yeah. I won't be getting a pet any time soon. But it's nice to think about, and someday, when I have reached a point in my life when I'm not annoyed that I have to deal with making sure my plants get sunlight and water, I'll look more seriously into getting a pet. For now, I'll just visit my friends and neighbors to get my fill of cute and cuddly creatures.


  1. you're a wise woman. i got a cat when i had my first job/apartment (actually slightly before i even had the job) and it was a mistake. i felt really bad for him stuck in the apartment, and then i moved to a new place and had to give him to my parents. he is better off there, but he is also not mine anymore. at least for a while. sad. fight the urge.

  2. Teddy is one big barrel of needy toddler-hood. baby humans suck their thumbs--baby kitties try to nurse blankets. Baby humans get into everything, baby kitties get into everything. At least baby humans don't attack your christmas baubles while you're trying to pack them away safely...No is lost on kittens. I'd gotten so used to GeriatriCat that a busy, excitable, jumpy, needy, kill-all-that-moves kitten has been a bit overwhelming. you could adopt a seriously old 3 legged cat--they sleep all day when you're at work, then they sleep on you when you get home. its nice, if a bit depressing.

  3. Omg, let me know if you ever want to borrow Gumball, my training kitten. He's so low maintenance, it's easy to forget about him.

  4. What is a training kitten, praytell?
