Saturday, August 13, 2011

Virtual House Tour! And An Update Update!


A fun little the form of a video tour! What? I know! Just what you've always wanted! An awkward and slightly (hopefully not too) nauseating video of my new house! Yehaw! 

Oh yeah, apparently since I'm not a YouTube partner, I can't change the thumbnail for the video to be the first frame of the recording, which was KINDA the whole reason I decided to start outside the front door, but whatever youtubes. I could've added captions and stuff apparently, but I am far too lazy for that. I mean, the reason I did a video was that I am too lazy to take a bunch of pictures and upload them.  Besides, that's what awkward narration is for, right?  :)

I've also included a little update of that nasty "little" list I posted the other day. In case you're wondering how things are going.

  • Thursday after work
    • get a massage oh yeah woo hoo! massage cancelled due to therapist's migraine.  :(
    • Google+ hangout with Aly decided not to due to amount of stuff to do.  :(
    • unpack swag bag suitcase from BlogHer
    • pack bag for LA (going home this weekend)
    • mail something to Will. It's tricky, because he gets to his next resupply in 4 days, and the one after that only 6 days or so after that. So I have to get on it. And possibly pay for some quick shipping. Hopefully I don't have to do this Friday/Saturday, but I might have to. I mailed it. Because I am awesome. And he got it today, and it made him happy. I am the best ever.
  • Friday after work
    • fly home fell asleep on the plane before we even took off. Maybe I was tired?
  • Saturday
    • relax with the folks, maybe ship a package to Will? Send Lyz her post-blogher "left behind" package?
    • not planned: deal with a bunch of crap going on with the final weekend of our office redesign/installation. boo. :(
    • evening dinner with Los Angeles bloggy ladyfriends on my way out the door now! See you soon, A Serious Girl and Dopey LaRue (who is also here)! We'll miss you, Junket!
  • Sunday
    • Disneyland!
  • Monday
    • Fly home in the morning
    • Disqus beach trip in the evening cancelled due to me not realizing the timing was terrible for everyone, which will actually be better because I should keep on unpacking.
  • Tuesday after work
    • pilates! (also yoga at work)
    • unpack something! 
    • move gift wrap stuff to guest room
    • assemble kitchen cart, assuming it's arrived? maybe wait for a friend to help with this one.
    • do some laundry? I can only assume I'll have a ton by then.
  • Wednesday after work
    • ballet...hopefully I'll find my shoes by then shoes = found!
    • dinner with a visiting friend (Hi, Rachel)
    • unpack? assemble kitchen cart?
    • decide whether to hire a TaskRabbit to help with furniture assembly
  • Thursday after work
    • happy hour officewarming party fun times at work
    • Reed flies in
  • Friday
    • take the day off work, spa day! I have a feeling this will be much-needed.
    • evening at IKEA :)
    • main closet organization?
    • dinner at Biere or Homeroom?
  • Saturday
    • brunch? 
    • pick up stuff I bought from Steve & Kate's Camp in El Cerrito
    • Target run?
    • unpack, assemble IKEA furniture (bookcase, dresser, tv stand)? 
      • Taskrabbit the assembly while we unpack?
      • reorganize office/guest room furniture?
    • dinner at Biere or Homeroom?
  • Sunday
    • unpack
    • Reed flies home
    • haircut
  • Monday after work
  • Tuesday after work
    • pilates (also yoga at work)
    • unpack 
    • make sure things are tidy enough for the housekeepers to come tomorrow
  • Wednesday after work
    • ballet 
    • walk around the house, marveling at how clean it suddenly is (hopefully)
    • unpack - can I please be done unpacking by this time?
  • Thursday after work
    • office managers meetup night?
  • Friday
    • drive to Yosemite to pick up Will!
    • Sara B concert at Shoreline cancelled because Sara isn't performing after all, due to conflicts with The Sing Off's schedule, boo hoo, but less stressful
    • sleep over in San Carlos?
  • Saturday
    • Monterey Bay Aquarium with Katherine - and Will!
  • Sunday
    • lounge around all day with Will, finally.
    • Sleep.


  1. love that yard! i've got a nice patch of dirt and some dead plants because of my black thumb.

  2. My thumb is only greenish, but there is a gardener that comes once a month to maintain. I'm hoping to try for a veggie garden next spring. Hopefully I won't kill it all.

  3. So fun to hear your voice and get an idea of the layout of your place. Very nice and bright!! 

  4. That house looks familiar. If this video was up earlier I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to break in through the boarded up door.

  5. I LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to see it in person!!!!

  6. Thanks! I don't think I sound like me, though that's always the case (my sis agrees though-bad camera mic). Glad you liked the tour! Hopefully more pics soon :)

  7. :( so sorry I forgot to tell you about the two front doors.

  8. Just giving you a hard time :-)

  9. Can't wait for the backyard BBQ :P

  10. The video wasn't shaky at all! :)

  11. Thanks! Can't wait till it's unpacked enough for guests! :)

  12. You figured it out anyway. So smart. :)

  13. Ditto. I'm guessing we will do something when will gets back.

  14. Really? Cause I only watched it on my camera, so I didn't really know. Just wanted to get it posted, so didn't spend any time editing or even watching closely to make sure it was actually watchable. ;)
