Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shelf It (don't Shelve It)

In the spirit of getting things done (I finally baked with pumpkin!), and actually starting to settle into our house (where we've lived for a year), and with just a little stroke of inspiration, I finally figured out what to do with the awkward space above the TV. I just couldn't see hanging one big picture, or several small just didn't look right. But then I remembered the photo ledge - a narrow shelf on which we could lean several pieces of art, photos, and such - which creates some visual interest through the varying depths of the shelf and objects placed on it.

It involved a bit of effort, what with the drilling and the anchors and the drill bit being just a tad too small and one of the screws getting stripped and well, you know. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. But it's up, and it's looking good so far!

Some choice photos from the process:

Post-it notes as drill-shaving-catchers!
Inspiration from Young House Love
(I do think the tape would be good for
stickiness, but I definitely needed the larger
platform of the post-it note). 
Three pilot holes drilled, post-it shavings
caught neatly. Ok, I did end up spilling a
bit, but imagine how much messier it would
have been without them! (hint: MUCH) 
Note: the TV is actually a bit crooked on its stand...the shelf
is perfectly straight (thanks, laser level!) - guess I'm going to
have to figure out how to tighten/straighten the tv now.
peek-a-boo screw that didn't go all the way in

So...not 100% perfect, but it looks good to me! Now we just have to figure out exactly which art to display where...

Questions? Comments? Have you knocked any tasks off your list this weekend so far?


  1. Your dad will be so proud, what with you using the drill and the level! I just love watching you settle in. Good work!

  2. Thanks! Make sure to show him :) maybe he has a tv-straightening tip...

  3. Very nice! Well done! Boy and I are wallpapering the living room right now--ACK don't like! It's just white, and we'll be painting it a solid colour, and we're not doing *that* bad a job, but URGH don't wallpaper unless you absolutely without a doubt have to! (The plaster is really old--the wallpaper is to keep it from crumbling. I think it's a Britain thing.)

  4. I have heard such things about wallpapering (that it sucks, not hat you have to wallpaper before you paint - weird!). Are you taking pictures? Will you blog about it?
